The Village Hall in Maplebeck
Complaints Procedure
The Village Hall in Maplebeck Management Committee (VHMC) aims to maintain a strong partnership with members of the local community and users of the hall. This document seeks to help you understand our complaints procedure. We welcome both positive and negative feedback and comments about our work, which may provide us with helpful information about our effectiveness in meeting our aims.
What you can complain about?
If any user of the hall, or member of the community, believes that we have failed to provide a satisfactory standard of service, or quality of the facilities within the hall, or for the safety of users, or the handling of a particular issue or situation, or any other related matter, the VHMC welcomes constructive complaints and comments and, where appropriate, will work to rectify this.
Who will deal with your complaint?
Complaints or comments regarding matters needing attention should be discussed with any member of the VHMC. We will take all complaints seriously and will treat every complainant with respect and courtesy.
When will you hear from us?
We believe that complaints can be resolved satisfactorily by a telephone discussion or a meeting. We will aim to arrange this within 5 working days of receiving the complaint. However, if this does not resolve the matter, we ask that you put your complaint in writing to the Chair or Secretary or by email to We will then call an extraordinary meeting of the VHMC to discuss your complaint further and will aim to respond to you within 5 working days of that meeting.
Safety complaints or concerns that could endanger a user of the hall and possible breaches of our Equal Opportunities and Inclusion Policy will be dealt with on an urgent basis.
Contact Information
Chair: To be confirmed
Secretary: Rachel Gardner 01636 636726
email address:
Date: 15.2.2022